The 3 Biggest Inventory Management Headaches and How to Fix Them

You know the feeling. You've been working around the clock to build your e-commerce business and have a growing list of tasks that never seem to end. Managing your inventory is right at the top and some days it gives you a headache that just won't quit. Tracking stock levels, ensuring you have enough on hand to meet demand but not too much that it's tying up all your capital, keeping costs under control - it's a balancing act that can push even the most organized entrepreneur to the brink. The good news is you're not alone and there are solutions to your biggest inventory woes. Read on to uncover the three biggest inventory management headaches most e-commerce owners face and how a 3PL partner like Envoy can knock them out for good.

The Problem of Inaccurate Inventory Tracking

If your inventory numbers just don’t seem to add up, you’re not alone. Many ecommerce businesses struggle with inaccurate inventory tracking, and it’s one of the biggest headaches when it comes to order fulfillment.

The root cause is often outdated or disorganized inventory management systems. Maybe you’re still tracking stock levels with spreadsheets or a legacy database that wasn’t really built for ecommerce. These homemade solutions might work when you’re small, but as your business grows, they can quickly become unwieldy and error-prone.

A modern inventory and order management system with real-time visibility into your stock levels across all warehouses and 3PLs is key. With a robust solution like Envoy, you get:

  • Accurate, up-to-the-minute inventory data from all your sales channels and fulfillment providers in one place. No more guessing how much stock you really have on hand.

  • Automated syncing between your shopping cart, payment gateway, shipping carriers and warehouse(s) so there are no data silos. All systems are always on the same page regarding inventory quantities, order statuses and more.

  • Powerful reporting and analytics tools to identify trends, spot issues early and make data-driven decisions to optimize your inventory levels and shipping costs.

When you have a handle on your inventory and a logistics partner you can trust, fulfilling orders accurately and on time becomes second nature. No more overselling, short shipping or disappointing customers with delayed deliveries. An efficient inventory system is the foundation for providing amazing customer experiences and boosting long-term loyalty.

Difficulty Forecasting Demand and Managing Stock Levels

Tracking inventory and predicting demand is tough. As an e-commerce business owner, you know the

struggle is real. But don't worry, there are solutions to the three biggest headaches.

Difficulty Forecasting Demand and Managing Stock Levels

It's tricky to know how much of everything to keep in stock. Order too little and you risk stockouts and lost sales. Order too much and you're stuck with excess inventory, tying up cash and space.

The fix? Work with a 3PL like Envoy Logistics. We use sophisticated demand forecasting tools and algorithms to help determine optimal stock levels for each product based on historical sales data, seasonality, and trends. This allows us to prevent overstocks and shortages, keeping just the right amount of each SKU on hand to meet demand.

We also monitor stock levels daily and can quickly source and ship additional inventory if needed to avoid stockouts. On the flip side, if a product isn't selling as expected, we'll recommend reducing or discontinuing it to free up resources.

By leveraging our demand forecasting expertise and real-time monitoring, you'll have the inventory you need when you need it - and avoid being stuck with products you don't. Say goodbye to the guessing game and hello to data-driven decisions!

Complexities of Omnichannel Order Fulfillment

As an e-commerce business owner, managing inventory across channels can feel like a logistical nightmare. You have to keep track of stock levels for your online store, brick-and-mortar locations, wholesale partners, and more. When a customer places an order, you have to grab their items from the right places and ship them promptly. No easy feat!

Envoy’s 3PL solutions help simplify omnichannel order fulfillment. Their warehouses are set up to handle e-commerce and retail replenishment for companies selling on multiple channels. When an order comes in, their systems instantly check current inventory levels across your entire supply chain. They then pick, pack and ship the customer’s full order from the locations that make the most sense.

For example, say a customer orders three items from your website—one that’s in stock at your online warehouse, one at a retail store, and one that needs to be drop-shipped from a wholesale partner. Envoy’s logistics software will detect this and coordinate shipping all three products to the customer in a single box. You don’t have to worry about overselling inventory or manually checking multiple systems to fulfill each order.

Envoy handles the heavy lifting so you can focus on your business. Their 3PL solutions offer:

  • Real-time visibility into inventory across all your sales channels.

  • Automated order routing, picking, packing and shipping.

  • Flexibility to add and remove warehouse space as your needs change.

  • Scalability to support business growth.

  • Discounted shipping rates through volume discounts and carrier partnerships.

When it comes to omnichannel order fulfillment, Envoy helps ensure your customers get exactly what they want, when and how they want it. Let their logistics experts untangle the complexities of multi-channel inventory management so you can keep growing your business.

What Is a 3PL Versus a 4PL?

A 3PL, or third-party logistics provider, is a company that handles logistics and supply chain management for businesses. As an e-commerce business owner, outsourcing your logistics to a 3PL like Envoy can solve many headaches.

Cost Savings

Operating your own warehouse and managing a shipping department requires significant overhead costs. A 3PL already has the infrastructure and expertise in place, so they can handle your logistics at a lower cost than doing it yourself. Envoy’s tiered pricing plans make it affordable for businesses of all sizes.

Improved Customer Experience

Envoy specializes in e-commerce logistics, so they understand what customers expect in terms of fast, accurate delivery. They can get your products delivered on time with real-time tracking. Happy customers means repeat customers and word-of-mouth marketing.


As your business grows, your logistics needs will increase. A 3PL has the capability to scale with you so you’re not stuck handling more orders and shipments than you have the resources for. Envoy offers services for businesses shipping 10 orders a day or 10,000. They provide the flexibility to scale your logistics up or down as needed.

In contrast, a 4PL, or fourth-party logistics provider, typically does not own any logistics assets. Instead, they manage other 3PLs and logistics service providers on your behalf. A 4PL can be beneficial for large enterprises with extremely complex supply chains, but for most e-commerce businesses, a 3PL offers an ideal solution.

With Envoy as your logistics partner, you can focus on growing your business knowing that your inventory and shipping operations are in good hands. Outsourcing to a pro means fewer headaches and more happy customers.

How Partnering With Envoy Provides a Complete Logistics Solution

As an e-commerce business owner, you already know that inventory management can be complicated. Trying to handle purchasing, warehousing, shipping and returns in-house while also running your actual business is nearly impossible. That’s where Envoy comes in. We provide a complete logistics solution so you can focus on what really matters - growing your company.

Purchasing Power

With Envoy as your logistics partner, you gain instant purchasing power. We work with major shipping carriers and warehouses to negotiate the best rates, which we then pass onto you. This means you’ll save money on everything from shipping labels to storage fees. You also have access to our vetted network of suppliers so you can find trusted partners for packaging, fulfillment and more.

Scalable Storage

Running out of storage space is a common headache for fast-growing e-commerce brands. Envoy provides scalable warehousing solutions so you have room to expand as needed. We offer flexible short-term storage for seasonal items as well as long-term storage for overstock inventory. 

Streamlined Shipping

With Envoy handling your logistics, shipping orders to customers becomes incredibly simple. We pick, pack and ship orders directly from our warehouses, providing tracking info to keep you and your customers in the loop. We also handle returns and exchanges efficiently by following your specific policies. By streamlining your shipping processes, we ensure accurate, on-time delivery for the best customer experience.

Rather than juggling multiple logistics providers, Envoy offers an all-in-one solution. We become an extension of your team, providing consistent, high-quality service and a proactive approach to problem-solving. With Envoy as your partner, inventory headaches become a thing of the past so you can focus on growing your business.

Choose Envoy and Scale Your Business

So there you have it, the three biggest headaches that come with managing inventory and how working with a partner like Envoy can eliminate the pain. When you've got accurate data, optimized stock levels, and a streamlined shipping process, you'll find your business running smoother than ever. Focus on growth and expansion knowing Envoy has your back and your inventory under control. Running an e-commerce store is challenging enough without the added stress of inventory issues. Now you can pour your energy into the fun parts of your business like marketing, product development, and most importantly, serving your customers. Take a deep breath and let go of the little details - your inventory is in good hands with Envoy.

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